You are required to fill in ALL the below details before attending any studio classes.
Email Adress
Contact Number
Please list any injuries or medical conditions:
CareYoga Liability Release
In checking the box below I agree that careYoga is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of my personal belongings while I attend class. I understand that the instructions given throughout the classes are intended as guidance only. I understand that while all due care will be taken by the instructor, they cannot be responsible for my improper practice at any time. To ensure that no personal injury occurs, I agree to adjust my practice according to my limitations and the decision to perform any yoga postures remains mine. I declare that I will take full responsibility for myself during the classes and that I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury, property loss or death. I will notify my instructor before each class begins of any recent injury, illness, surgery or pregnancy. I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against careYoga or its members for any personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.